Monday, February 14, 2011

Timothy should work for Hallmark

Timothy has been working hard on learning how to write his letters over the past month or so. He spends hours tracing over the letters on his dry-erase flash cards. I bought them for him at the airport on my way home from a business trip. I thought he'd be disappointed that I didn't get him a toy, but I was pleasantly surprised! The cards are one of his favorite things right now. He even took them to the Super Bowl party at our friends' house a couple weeks ago.

Today was Timothy's teacher's birthday, so this morning we made her a card. I folded a piece of scrapbooking paper and wrote out "Happy B-Day Miss Shaniqua" on a separate paper for him so he could see how to spell it. (I figured Birthday and Shaniqua might be too many letters for the card so I shortened it to B-Day, which he was not happy about.) He wrote it out on the card, painstakingly forming each letter. (See below). I thought it turned out pretty good, especially for a 3 1/2 year old!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good job, Timothy!

Love, Grandma Barbara