Timothy's vocabulary is really beginning to take off! He is really starting to mimic many words that he hears us say. Which can be BAD if we are not really watching what we are saying. It is so amazing to watch how he is really starting to communicate with us. Of course I know he is still very frustrated that many times we do not know what he wants or is trying to tell us, but he does his absolute best to point to something or at least give us some sort of idea of what it is he is after.
Everyday this child amazes me with what he has learned from his school. They are the absolute best, and we love how well they have taken care of Timothy. On a side note when we drop or pick Timothy up from school on the way to his classroom we always stop by a window that looks into the infant room. Timothy always points and smiles really big and says "babies" (think of it with a French accent, that is how Timothy says it). I am fairly positive that he is smiling at the little babies, not the hot girl that works in that room!
he is soooo cute!! was that your house? i am trying to picture what room that was....anyway, he says those things soo well! we have been trying to get harper to say please and thankyou, but all we get is a sweet smile every time we tell her to say "please" or "thankyou". I will be glad when she can say these two words instead of "ehh, ehh". did it take him long or was able to just start saying it all of a sudden?
Ah! He is so adorable!! Hooray for the manners training. I keep thinking that it's so much easier to teach them now then try to teach them later. Rory says please and thank you, too. Usually with emphasis. "Puh-weese!"
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