Tuesday, January 20, 2009

How Can I Love Somebody So Much?

Timothy's new smile. No idea where he got it from!

A very common theme growing up I heard from my parents is that I will never understand how much that they love me and my brother until I have children of my own. This is a statement that is so incredibly true! Timothy is now 16 months old. Everyday is a new experience with him. Watching him grow and learn it is absolutely incredible. How, quite honestly, can I love somebody so much?

Sarah’s cousin Laura once made a great statement saying that “everyday is like Christmas” with her two daughters. And I understand what she means. My son and later this year, my other child, boy or girl, are the greatest gifts I have ever received. Timothy lights up my world everyday. Whether it be him thinking that any TV in the house, once turned on, will be Mickey Mouse Club House so he can dance, or him just lying his head on my shoulder and patting my back when he is tired. I Love It! There are days he can stress me out to the max, and I am sure I am still very unprepared for what he has in store for me later! (Although as good of a kid as he is now, I am sure it won’t be much…I pray!). But I would never change a day that he stresses me out for a day to have never known or had him in my life

I have truly been able to understand that there is a presence of God after having a child. I can not understand in my personal belief how, we as humans can love, without having been loved by someone who is far greater than us first. To me there has to be something there always watching over us. And I feel that when I or Sarah are not watching over Timothy, someone is. It is impossible for love to be evolutionary, science can not test that, or to the depths that I love my son.

1 comment:

The Green Family said...

wow, clark, 2 posts in one day!! i am excited! I LOVE timothy, i just wish we lived closer! what you said is soooo true everything is exactly what i would say, it is so true, they are definitely gifts from God! I LOVE reading what you write, so please keep it up and start writing a book already. oh and my parents said the exact same thing, are they related or something??? love ya cousin!