As a kid I can't think of anything more exciting than getting a happy meal and going to play on the playground...which, back then, was outside and metal, so in the summer it was about 200 degrees...but none the less, still super fun (blisters and all). I thought it was just a kid thing and that all kids like McDonald's. It turns out that if you never take your kids there, they don't ever ask to go! I thought I had done great as a parent when we can drive past McDonald's and Timothy won't even bat an eye. But then today, as we were driving to the grocery store and passing Chick-Fil-A, Timothy yells out "I want to go there Mommy! I want Chick-Fil-A!" Ugh! He's craving fast food! I've failed! So what was my response? "Honey, it's expensive. We can't go there all the time." That's NOT a lie. Eating there all the time does add up, but now I can guarantee he'll tell his teacher and friends at school "Chick-Fil-A is expensive!" They are going to think I'm the cheapest person on the planet! Haha! Oh well. I guess every kid has their favorite place to go. Timothy's places are Chick-Fil-A, 7-Eleven (for Slurpees), and Costco (because it has fork lifts and samples). I guess that's not so bad.
Here are the kids at Chick-Fil-A one morning a week or so ago.
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