Friday, March 20, 2009

The Streaker!!!

Here you go!!! Timothy is ready to go to college!!!

These are really short clips of what Sarah and I are tortured with every night. I get the bath ready while she rounds up Timothy strips him down and lets him run free for a minute. He loves to be naked and will run all throughout the house laughing and yelling in a happy tone.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I usually put up videos and updates of Timothy but forget to mention anything about Sarah, the new baby coming along or myself. So here they are!

Sarah is moving right along with the pregnancy really well. Unfortunately the only real problems she has to deal with are a lot of headaches. Although we have heard from many people that if that is the worst of what she has then she is doing very well. She has been in her busy season at work now for the past month but still manages to spend as much time as she can with Timothy and I. Weekends are really a great time for her and Timothy to catch up on time they missed during the week. I usually pick Timothy up from daycare so I get more time with him during the week.

Sarah and I are going to San Marcos, Texas this weekend for a good friend of mines wedding. We are leaving Timothy with my mom. She is very excited to get to watch him as she always is. She is a great grandmother to him and tries to see him as much as possible. It will be a nice break for Sarah and I, but I know we will be missing Timothy a lot! We are also going to swing by Austin and see Jeff and his new apartment. So it better be clean!

For me I am still subbing, a lot. I am a preferred sub at one school. And I am really just pushing my name out as much as I can in the Plano ISD. I really enjoy this school district and although it is a bit of a drive it is worth it. So hopefully I will obtain a position there in the Fall. I also have one more test coming up in April. It is a content test for Social Studies. Hopefully, this will be one of the last few I have to take!