Good day to everyone. So very sorry for the extremely long delay in posts. Nearly half a year since I last posted an update. I will do my best to keep everyone posted on what is going on in the Clifford world as best I can. A resolution maybe?
For starters if you are unaware of the news, Sarah and I are expecting our second child in September. We are extremely excited about this planned event! Timothy is still a little young to really know what we are referring to when we touch "mommy's" belly, but in time I am sure he will be excited as well as be a great big brother.
Speaking of Timothy he has been doing outstanding in school (daycare). He is one of the favorites of his teachers and I do not say this just with a father's pride! This statement is the truth! Only backed up by his teachers telling us this, as well as seeing some of the other little human beings and how they act in the class. Completely different. My son has manners. Some of these kids are unbelievable brats!
Other than school, Timothy had tubes put into his ears in December. He was suffering from constant ear infections keeping him away from school. Putting tubes in his ears was one of the best decisions Sarah and I have made for him. We were not excited at all about our baby boy having to actually have surgery (albeit minor) but it has improved not only his hearing but his motor skills and his physical skills also. He is talking and babbling a lot, and is now running! Some words that Timothy has down are the staples Mama and Dada. Dan is a new one he is really using a lot lately (Dan is Sarah's brother who lives with us). Timothy also says Puppies, Bubbles, nana which means just a snack but NANA with heavy emphasis on the second NA means a banana. He also can sign for "more" if he wants some more of snack.
It is absolutely amazing to see this child grow everyday!
As far as Sarah. She is entering into her busy season at work...pregnant! She did this two years ago and was fortunate enough to not have morning sickness but was constantly tired. So hopefully this pregnancy will be smooth as the first one!
Sarah also had a huge weight lifted off her shoulders as she accomplished a great feat in her life and passed the CPA Exam!
As for me I am still seeking employment with a school district. I am currently substituting with Plano ISD. I will soon be apart of a few other school districts. This has been quite a challenge to find a teaching position! Who knew?
Well this is all I have time for right now. Again, I will keep up with this blog the best that I can.
Thank you for reading!
The Clifford Family